
Other title(s): Nordfjord boat
Genre: Documentary film / Information film
Year: 1977
Runtime: 00:38:00
Description: A film produced in 1976 about the construction of a traditional rowboat. Boat builder Ingvald Sande, of Rygg in the municipality of Gloppen, is seen hard at work as he explains the process in voiceover. Every stage is documented in detail, including the fabrication of the oars, as the boat takes shape. And at the conclusion, the final product is launched on the fjord from which it gets its name.
Provider: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Rights: In Copyright / Nasjonalbiblioteket
Production company: Statens filmsentral
Colour: Black & White
Director: Grepp, Olav Kyrre
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Collection: Cultural souvenir films, director Olav Kyrre Grepp mm
Original format: Video/mpeg
Language: no