
Muu nimi/muut nimet: SPQR
Lajityyppi: Documentary film
Vuosi: 1975
Kesto: 00:13:00
Kuvaus: The cats that live in the ruins of ancient Rome are a true institution. Rome turns into a mysterious city that has always hidden the secrets of immortals. Following the example of J. Luis Borges’s famous story, a man in the grip of delirium arrives in Rome and is finally able to decipher the enigma. The cats are the only inhabitants of this part real and part ghost city; the immortals built it and then razed it to the ground!
Sisältölähde: Cineteca di Bologna
Oikeudet: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Tuotantoyhtiö: Corona Cinematografica
Väri: Colour
Ohjaaja: Brocani, Franco
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection
Language: it