
Autre(s) titre(s): The race
Genre: Documentary film
Année: 1981
Durée: 24 / 00:06:47
Description: The elusive dream of a big win on a V-65 accumulator brings a lot of people to the trotting tracks. Many of Henning Mankell’s stories have been dramatised, but this is the only film directed by the successful author himself
Mots-clés: IMediaCities / Idrott / Pengar / Sport / Money
Fournisseur: Svenska Filminstitutet
Droits: In Copyright / Vänligen kontakta Svenska Filminstitutet Please contact the Swedish Film Institute
Société de production: Stiftelsen Svenska Filminstitutet (Sverige 80-redaktionen)
Couleur: Colour
Director: Henning Mankell
Sound: With sound
Type de document:
Recueil: Sverige 80
Language: sv