Ein Zeitbild (englisch) nach dem Stück * von
Hvert år kommer ca. 2.500 unge mellem 15 og 21 i forbindelse med det psykiatriske behandlingssystem. To ud af tre er piger. Filmen følger gennem et år to patienter på Nordvang Ungdomspsykiatrisk A...
<p>Balletfilm med hoffotograf Elfelts optagelser (i årene 1902-1906) af følgende balletter:<br>1) "Livjægerne på Amager" (Bournonville)<br>2) "Elverhøj", (Poul Funck)<br>3...
Gennemset af Vagn Bjørnholt:1. del: Japansk pige og Krarup Nielsen ved landkort. Forskellige bybilleder.General McArthur og Kejser Hirohito ses.Forskellige scener med gademarkeder, templer, optog, fo...
En fri fortsættelse af "Jeg - en kvinde" (1965) og "Jeg - en kvinde 2" (1968), men denne gang uden litterært forlæg (der var kun to bøger af Siv Holm).Siv fra de forrige to film har nu en datter p...
Via portrættet af to charmerende, fremmedartede kvinder foretager filmen et punktnedslag i en fjerntliggende kultur, nemlig den afrikanske, placeret i et hjørne af det nordlige Europa, næmere beste...
Filmen skildrer en række dramatiske begivenheder i en engelsk familie i årene før og under 2. verdenskrig. Året er 1935 og på en varm sommerdag ser den 13-årige Briony sin storesøster tage tøj...
The human egg bathes in the primeval ocean - The woman's egg is encapsulated in matter with the same salt content as the primeval ocean. When the animals migrated from the water, their bodies containe...
Screenshot with Anna Müller-Lincke, Leonhard Haskel from "Roland und Viktoria: Duett aus "Neuestes! Allerneuestes!". Nr. 10" (1907)
Carolin Kebekus, Milan Peschel in "Männertag" (2015/16)
Alena Penz, Fred Stillkrauth, Sibylle Rauch (from left to right) in "Der Kurpfuscher und seine fixen Töchter" (1980)
"Es war mir ein Vergnügen" (1963)
Esther Garrel, Philippe Tłokiński (left to right) in "Abenteuer eines Mathematikers" (2019)
Else Knott, Wolf Schmidt, Sophie Engelke, Joost Siedhoff (from left to right) in "Die Familie Hesselbach" (1954)
Werner Peters, Robert Stack (v.l.n.r.)
A camping expedition by an uncle and his nephew, showing the do's and don'ts of the countryside code.
A film tracing the introduction of movement as a factor in 20th century art. It records various ways in which artists have tackled this development such as Gabo, Calder and Soto.
A descriptive essay on the city of Edinburgh, and in particular of Edinburgh Castle.
A promotional film for George Waterston and Sons of Edinburgh, Wax Chandlers. This film shows interiors and machinery of the firm's old wax making factory at St. John's Hill, just prior to demolition....
Aberdeen High School for Girls - from the first day of infant class to prize-giving for senior pupils leaving school. All aspects of learning are recorded, with emphasis on drama, music and dance.
An exploration of St Peter's Seminary, Cardross on the Firth of Clyde.
Glasgow in the post-war years and the Corporation's futuristic plans for the city's development. [The film was made to tie in with an exhibition of the same title, held at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow....
Film sponsored by Esso following the Scottish Rally of 1976. The rally begins in Ayrshire and takes in the Highlands. Interviews with various drivers at the roadside and after each stage is completed...