This dramatized documentary features Lavrion (an industrial town) while tracing the lives of two men; a mineral collector and a university student (Nikos Vourlakos and Petros Alatzas). The former wand...
On the occasion of a theatrical performance, the tortuous history of modern Greece, from the Asia Minor Disaster to the invasion in Cyprus, is presented. More specifically, the film examines the ways ...
A tomboy, who lives on the hard and violent fringe of society, struggles to stay alive and unharmed. She grows up and becomes a real woman, despite a series of difficult situations, with the fatal inj...
Three friends who haven’t seen each other in years reunite in Athens. They intend to create for themselves a comfortable life and put behind them the difficult past, either in foreign lands or worki...
Α closed social system is ruled by a caste of lords: priests, ambassadors, politicians, bankers and servicemen. All of them prostitute themselves for the possession of power just as naturally as they...
A typist meets a young man who works at a garage and who pretends to be an important businessman. She does the same thing, pretending to be the daughter of her industrialist boss. In the end, everythi...
A student named Maria takes the train to Athens to sell books. In reality, however, she is a prostitute by the name of Ilektra and is on her way to meet her clients. She falls in love with an acrobat ...
The descent into the world of the night in the vastness of Athens of a young man who comes from the countryside and works as a delivery boy at a declining pizzeria.