Aunt Bettina is an old maid who lives of memories. One day she accepts to host a young niece of her, Margherita, who is sent by her parents to forget a love story. The aunt discovers, that the man her...
Guglielmo Oberdan, the martyr of Trieste, already exemplary figure of fervent irredentist, then anti-Austrian conspirator executed for attempting to assassinate Emperor Franz Joseph after the disillus...
Za La Mort (Emilio Ghioen) lives in the countryside with his girlfriend Za La Vie (Kally Sambucini). A day does a good deed by taking with him Leo, an orphan found on the street. This situation, howev...
Za La Mort (Emilio Ghioen) lives in the countryside with his girlfriend Za La Vie (Kally Sambucini). A day does a good deed by taking with him Leo, an orphan found on the street. This situation, howev...