Prime Minister Sukselainen in India, Part 3, including a stop at a film studio (foreign material). Inauguration of the Lahti–Loviisa railway. Students of technology rallying for the support of expor...
40th anniversary of the Reserve Officer School in Helsinki and Hamina. British naval visit in Helsinki South Harbour. The Miss Leg contest is held at the Exhibition Hall, Lasse Liemola singing to the ...
Distinguished Mothers’ Day invitees in the Government Banquet Hall. Geophysicists visiting the President of Finland. Soviet athletes prepare for the Olympic Games in Rome. Olympic Games qualificatio...
Motocross in Plzeň, Czechoslovakia (foreign material). Water skiing from Helsinki to Turku; Kauko Kolma’s record race. Artificial skating rink in Prague (foreign material). Swedish naval visit. Jun...
Events in 1961: Bank of Finland, 150 years. Parliament Building, 30 years. Restoration of the Turku Castle. City of Helsinki Fire Department, 100 years. Statue of Juhani Aho at Engelinaukio Square in...
Oath by President Kennedy and other ceremonies. Finnish Parliament Building 30 years. Closing service of the 1960 parliamentary session in the Lutheran Cathedral. The Canadian ambassador presents his ...
Squaw Valley Olympics: skating, ice hockey (USA v. Czechoslovakia), and the closing ceremony. The International Amateur Boxing Association meets in Helsinki. Winter football in Valkeakoski: Valkeakosk...
Prime Minister Sukselainen in India (foreign material). Boat exhibition at the South Harbour passenger pavilion in Helsinki. Students roasting beef and reindeer in the Kaivotalo courtyard in Helsinki ...