The film, largely autobiographical, is an exquisite commentary on the crucial decade 1965-1975. The camera records images of current everyday life, while the director’s two previous short films, Let...
Two young blind people, Giorgos (Vasilis Mavrommatis) and Kaiti (Voula Avramidou) are trying to study with the help of their relatives and friends. A con artist (Nontas Kastanas) meets Kaiti and her s...
A pair of rich Greeks from America (Vasilis Avlonitis and Marita Krevata) arrive in Greece with their daughters, who meet and become enamoured of three young men pretending to be wealthy. They keep th...
Three poor friends (Iakovos Kampanellis, Michalis Nikolinakos and Andreas Barkoulis) hope that they can make it in their lives. One day, they meet three young women (Irene Papas, Ntora Giannakopoulou ...
An officer in the Greek army (Alekos Alexandrakis) goes to Crete immediately after the Germans have occupied it. In cooperation with partisans and ally saboteurs he takes part in a sabotage against th...
At the beginning of the 20th century, farmers suffered under the yoke of rich landowners. They work all day for a pittance, deprived of their right to life and dignity. When one of them, Tasos Karydis...
Manolis, an officer of the Greek Army (Alekos Alexandrakis) arrives on Crete, after its fall to the Germans. In collaboration with partisans and allied English saboteurs, under the leadership of capta...