A musical film with elements of a detective thriller, which was left unfinished by its director Theodoros Angelopoulos. The members of the famous band from the 1960s, the Forminx, try to find the woma...
Romeo, a good-hearted guy who considers himself to be a great “Casanova,“ is let out of the madhouse for a trial period. His cousin, Leon Karfis, suggests that he should go on holiday to an island...
The recruit Michalis leaves his wife Maria and their child and goes off to the war in Korea, but soon after he is declared dead. Two years later, his wife agrees to marry a wealthy man, Stathis, who h...
Frixos, a blunderer who thinks he is real Sherlock Holmes, works as a detective in a investigations agency, where, one day, he is assigned to find the niece and sole heir of a major shipowner Minas Gi...
In order to avert the objections of an honest employee Diamantis (Ntinos Iliopoulos) regarding his book-keeping irregularities, Aristos (Nikos Stavridis) recruits a charming woman. However, the woman-...
A very decent and peaceful young man, Filippos, gives private lessons in English to two girls (Gina and Liza) to supplement his miserable income. The two girls work in a bar in Troumpa, a run-down ne...
A young farmer, Dimitris (Petros Fysoun), is wrongly accused and sent to prison for poisoning the livestock of his sweetheart’s father (Jenny Roussea and Grigoris Vafias respectively). But the truth...
A wretched guy, Spyros, wants to marry off his sister, Marianna, a lively little hussy. He wants to give her an apartment for her dowry but doesn’t have enough money for something like that. Thus, h...