A film set in the early 1930s. In a provincial seaside town, Kochyli (=Shell), the eight-year-old Petros and the seven-year-old Anthoula discover the world around them: nature, animals, birds, as well...
Alexis (Andreas Barkoulis) abandons his fiancée Eirini (Mairi Chronopoulou) when he realizes that her family no longer has the fortune they were supposed to possess and with which he was hoping to pa...
August 1944, and a captain of the Greek army in the Middle East, Iason, has secretly landed on an island with the mission to gather information on the disposition of the Germans’ defensive arrangeme...
The son (Giannis Fertis) of a farmer (Lavrentis Dianellos) studies while his brother (Anestis Vlachos) works the family’s land. A girl (Christina Sylva) tries to come between them after the student ...
This is an adaptation of the film “Oute gata out zimia (No harm done)”, that was written by Sakellarios and Giannakopoulos. The story is about a very clever advertiser (Giorgos Pantzas) who organi...
In Athens a little while before the explosion of World War II Niki (Tzeni Karezi), a servant of the Army General Staff, is accused of leaking top secret documents to an Italian agent. The accusation i...
Giannis (Giannis Gkionakis) is a barber and is in love with Martha (Martha Karagianni), who is a hairdresser - and they want to marry. However, Giannis has four sisters who must get married first. Thi...
A sergeant of the Flying Squad (Giorgos Fountas) tries, at night, to find blood for his wife (Tzeni Roussea) who is about to give birth. When he finally finds a blood donor, he has to face a mentally ...