The film adaptation for the modern era of the ancient tragedy The Bacchae. Pentheus is celebrating his birthday, and surreal scenes unfold before his eyes, arousing doubts in the celebrant as to wheth...
Journalist Orestis (Daniel Olbrychski) in the past had belonged to a radical leftist organization. When the two people who had sent members of his organization to jail are killed, the police place the...
Athens, 1936. A German woman named Isavella, who is married to a Greek officer in the close circle around Dictator Metaxas and who is a member of a group of mysticists, falls in love with Alvertos. Th...
Young Christos, recently released from the army, dreams of becoming a big name in folk singing. After a failed attempt at a singing career, he gets a job in the butcher shop of Mr. Michalis, husband o...
In 1897, a prostitute from Marseilles, Roza Vonaparte (Marina Vlanty) arrives in Chania, which was in the process of rising up against the Turks in order to reunite with Greece. She brings with her a ...
The childhood traumas of a solitary young man have a determinative effect on the formation of his personality and sexual behavior and have turned him into a rapist with the angelic face. One day, the ...
A middle-aged teacher of theology tries to solve his sexual problems by seeking help from a psychologist and then a butcher, who apart from offering his standard fare, also provides his clients with f...