When the now-wealthy Jack sees his former lover by chance on the silver screen, he immediately goes looking for her.
Romantic adventure film in which Betty, who dreams about pirates, and her father, a gullible professor, are tricked by a bunch of real pirates. They are rescued by a young man who has a crush on Betty...
A Royal Engineers sergeant shows how to load two carrier pigeons into a small wicker basket for transport. At the Rosyth seaplane base Felixstowe F2A flying boats and Short 184 seaplanes ride at ancho...
Emperor Wilhelm II and empress Victoria of Germany on horses, escorted by horsemen, on their way to a parade at the Tempelhoferfeld in Berlin.
Surrealistic view of the "Honeymoon couple", interrupted by salesmen, consumer goods, jealousy, anger and infidelity. [Award winner in the 1957 Scottish Amateur Film Festival.]
The film opens with Oxford Street in London and declares that "luxury shopping" is not helping the war effort. This is contrasted with the ways in which women do help: a mother looking after her two s...
Russian war drama about the love between a peasant girl and a Russian prince at the time of the Russian (February) Revolution in 1917. As a young peasant girl, Mary Warren (Geraldine Farrar) is being ...
A family holiday around Firth of Clyde and beyond on various boats. Includes a trip to Belfast and a trip 'Doon The Watter' on the Waverley.
Harry Piel, Dary Holm
Henny Porten
"Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull" (1957)
Szene aus "Der geköpfte Hahn"
Sergei Filin in "Bolschoi Babylon" (2013-15)
Szene aus "Der Geisterzug"
Szene aus "Werner - Beinhart!"
Petra Schmidt-Schaller in "Leanders letzte Reise" (2016/17)
01 - Una scuola moderna Sull’inquadratura di un padre che controlla il quaderno del figlio, la voce di commento racconta che molte scuole hanno adottato il metodo Montessori, un approccio peda...
L’educazione alimentare e orientamento dei consumi. Il problema dell’educazione alimentare degli italiani viene affrontato con una campagna propagandistica e un convegno nazionale promossi d...
01 - Cronaca A Roma si svolge una manifestazione di protesta organizzata dalla Democrazia Cristiana contro l’attentato a Bernardo Leighton, ex vicepresidente del Cile ed esponente del partito ...
La favola è ambientata nella Bretagna del 1700. In un tratto di scogliera selvaggia, con il mare perennemente in burrasca, vive Potr, il predatore di relitti. Una notte, mentre vaga di roccia i...
La favola è ambientata in un villaggio della Corsica, nel periodo di Carnevale. Tutti gli abitanti si preparano alla festa e costruiscono le maschere. Ma un'anziana donna è irritata dal clima ...
Le conseil communal d'une commune de la banlieue de Bruxelles débat de la construction d'une cité nouvelle. Le film soulève ainsi les problèmes soulevés par une approche nouvelle de l'urbanisme. ...
Musical fantasy about "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saëns. (Orchestra of the Conservatory of Paris, directed by René Leibowitz). Experimental film with a series of images that want to convey a sy...
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