Mærket: "Uden navn bla. med scener fra hestesporvogn", og "Berlin på kryds og tværs". Kanaler og byggepladser. Gadebilleder omkring Brandenburger Tor, sporvogne og biler. Berlins slot, Unter den Li...
Musician Leila lives in Brussels with her boyfriend Antoine. When Antoine unexpectedly leaves her for another woman, a heartbroken Leila relocates from Belgium to Berlin. She also swears to herself th...
Adaptation of Afred Döblin's 1929 novel, set in contemporary Berlin: Fleeing from Guinea-Bissau, Francis set on a dangerous journey from Africa to Europe. When the boat he is on is hit by a storm, he...
Der Dokumentarfilm begleitet einen katholisch erzogenen Mann bei der Suche nach spiritueller Erleuchtung – in Berlin. Seine Suche nach innerem Frieden führt ihn zu Ashrams, Meditationszentren, Tant...
Berlin, 1936. Die Olympischen Spiele in der deutschen Hauptstadt unter Adolf Hitler stehen kurz bevor. Noch vor dem Start droht jedoch ein Eklat: Die Amerikaner wollen die Spiele boykottieren, wenn im...
Dokumentarfilm über die in Berlin ansässige Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Deren Aufgabe besteht in der Erhaltung von Einrichtungen des ehemaligen Landes Preußen und der Bewahrung von historis...
Fabian Busch at the premiere of "Er ist wieder da" in Berlin on October 6, 2015
René Marik at the premiere of "Geld her oder Autsch'n!" on August 28, 2013 in Berlin
Edgar Froese, Christoph Franke, Johannes Schmölling (Berlin 1980, from left to right) ("Revolution of Sound. Tangerine Dream", 2015-17)
Edgar Froese, Christoph Franke, Johannes Schmölling (Berlin 1980, from left to right) ("Revolution of Sound. Tangerine Dream", 2015-17)
Helga Hahnemann (front) in "Du hast ja keine Ahnung, wie schön Du bist Berlin." (revue-film of GDR television, 1981)
Arved Friese at the premiere of "Timm Thaler oder das verkaufte Lachen" in Berlin on January 29, 2017
Lisa-Marie Koroll, Lina Larissa Strahl (from left to right) at the premiere of "Bibi & Tina" in Berlin
Claudia Eisinger at the premiere of "Blutzbrüdaz", in CineStar at the SonyCenter, Berlin, December 14, 2011
The film "Gauner, Dieb & Co" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Hutsch und die Erbschleicher (Gewandtheit gegen Tücke)" was permitted for adults 18 years of age or older.
The film "Auf Befehl der Entente" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin. The title was banned. The term "Durch die Gewaltfaust der Entente" was prohibited.
The film "Maciste, der Held der Berge" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Das letzte Fort" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older).
The film "Der Ring des Cesare Borgia" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older). Mr. Kuratus Wienken and Mrs. Burghardt applied a...
The film "Die Weihe des Ehrenmals für das Garde-Fuß-Art-Regt. zu Spandau am 28. September 1924" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin. One scene was censored.
The film "Die Ehrengedenkfeier für die toten Helden" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin without age restriction.