Mærket: "Uden navn bla. med scener fra hestesporvogn", og "Berlin på kryds og tværs". Kanaler og byggepladser. Gadebilleder omkring Brandenburger Tor, sporvogne og biler. Berlins slot, Unter den Li...
In his documentary, Bernhard Sallmann explores the area between the Berlin Ringbahn and the city limits, an urban landscape with a changeful history. At the end of the 19th century, the area was consi...
Dokumentarfilm über die in Berlin ansässige Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Deren Aufgabe besteht in der Erhaltung von Einrichtungen des ehemaligen Landes Preußen und der Bewahrung von historis...
Berlin, 1936. Die Olympischen Spiele in der deutschen Hauptstadt unter Adolf Hitler stehen kurz bevor. Noch vor dem Start droht jedoch ein Eklat: Die Amerikaner wollen die Spiele boykottieren, wenn im...
Adaptation of Afred Döblin's 1929 novel, set in contemporary Berlin: Fleeing from Guinea-Bissau, Francis set on a dangerous journey from Africa to Europe. When the boat he is on is hit by a storm, he...
Der Dokumentarfilm begleitet einen katholisch erzogenen Mann bei der Suche nach spiritueller Erleuchtung – in Berlin. Seine Suche nach innerem Frieden führt ihn zu Ashrams, Meditationszentren, Tant...
Frank used to be an elite soldier with a history of dangerous missions, who has left the military and now resides secluded in rural Brandenburg. For years, he couldn't contact his daughter Lily, but n...
Ottokar Runze at a symposium in Berlin on September 12, 2008
At the premiere of "Blutzbrüdaz" on December 14, 2011 in Berlin
Stanislav Güntner at the premiere of "Nemez" in Berlin, 2012
Mark Filatov, Emilia Schüle at the premiere of "Nemez" in Berlin, 2012
Burning newspaper Berlin (Source: Film clip from "Geplante Vergeudung" by Thomas Giefer, 1971)
Alexander Granach (on the right) with Heinrich George in the courtyard of Volksbühne Berlin
Volker Bruch at the photocall for "Verschwörung" in Berlin on October 29, 2018
Anthony Jeanne, Laura Berlin (left to right) in "Die Farbe des Windes" (2022)
The film "Gauner, Dieb & Co" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Hutsch und die Erbschleicher (Gewandtheit gegen Tücke)" was permitted for adults 18 years of age or older.
The film "Auf Befehl der Entente" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin. The title was banned. The term "Durch die Gewaltfaust der Entente" was prohibited.
The film "Maciste, der Held der Berge" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Das letzte Fort" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older).
The film "Der Ring des Cesare Borgia" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older). Mr. Kuratus Wienken and Mrs. Burghardt applied a...
The film "Die Weihe des Ehrenmals für das Garde-Fuß-Art-Regt. zu Spandau am 28. September 1924" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin. One scene was censored.
The film "Die Ehrengedenkfeier für die toten Helden" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin without age restriction.