Baron Felix and Madame Vera Wadjevska, a pair of con artists, have gotten their hands on a manor in Oslo, after stealing the deceased owner's identity papers while abroad. The dead man's nephew, Helge...
"Hunger Blockade Germany" is one of three documentary films made by the American doctor and amateur filmmaker William Held during a stay in Berlin from 1919 to 1922. His films are especially interesti...
INTERTITLES OF THE FILM IN RUSSIAN 01:00:02:00 – Footage filmed by United States Army for American and Russian citizens 01:00:03:13 – American fleet 01:00:08:20 – Admiral V.Sims, commanding o...
I. 300 years since the founding of Batak and 81 years since the Batak massacre in the suppression of the April Uprising in 1875. Views of the city. A painting depicting the massacre of Bulgarians by T...
Destroyed cities after the end of World War II, clean-up work, cleaning bricks, men hammering pegs into the ground to fortify dikes, destroyed industrial facilities, including mines, miners working in...
It is the third film in a row of the genre that much later on was called “fustanella (Greek kilt)”, following "Gkolfo" by Bachatoris (1914) and "Astero" by Gaziadis (1929). It is based on the succ...
Manolis, an officer of the Greek Army (Alekos Alexandrakis) arrives on Crete, after its fall to the Germans. In collaboration with partisans and allied English saboteurs, under the leadership of capta...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Ken Adam at the Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, on the occasion of the exhibition opening of "Stanley Kubrick" (2005)
Anne Ratte-Polle, Luise Heyer, Jonathan Berlin (left to right) in "Black Box" (2023)
Helga Hahnemann (front) in "Du hast ja keine Ahnung, wie schön Du bist Berlin." (revue-film of GDR television, 1981)
At the premiere of "Rico, Oskar und der Diebstahlstein" in Berlin on April 10, 2016
Anton Corbijn at the premiere of "A Most Wanted Man" in Berlin on September 4, 2014
Michael Kessler at the premiere of "Er ist wieder da" in Berlin on October 6, 2015
Marleen Lohse at the premiere of "Er ist wieder da" in Berlin on October 6, 2015
Sky du Mont at the world premiere of "Otto's Eleven" in Berlin, on November 23rd, 2010
Invitation to the Berlin premiere of "Mädchen hinter Gittern" on November 25, 1949.
Holiday working permit for "Liebe ohne Illusion".
Permit for employing child actors in "Sündige Grenze".
Letter from Amtsanwaltschaft (Regional court) Berlin to Artur Brauner, 19 December 1952 regarding "Die Spur führt nach Berlin".
The film "Vorderhaus und Hinterhaus" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Verkrachte Existenzen" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Der Graf von Monte Christo - Die Totenhand" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "König der Cowboys" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin with age restriction (only for adults 18 years of age or older). One scene was prohibited.