Incomplet film on a religious procession from Lisbon to Fátima (Shrine of Fatima in the centre of Portugal).
Incomplet footage of Evora.
Naval parade in Lisbon.
Incomplet. Buildings and monuments in the city of Coimbra: Museum Machado de Castro, the ancient Episcopal Palace, University, Sala dos Capelos, portico of the University’s chapel, Cathedral, Old Ca...
Upon today’s knowledge, only the image subsists.
Observations on bull power utilization in the agriculture labor in Ribatejo.
The 4th football match between Portugal and France, held in Paris (Stade de Colombes) in 24th March 1929.
The exhibition of livestock and dairy industries, signalling its progresses.
Film frame
Film frame
Portrait of Henrique Alegria, manager of Invicta Film, in his office.
film frame
Film frame
film frame
Portuguese film operator, Manuel Maria da Costa Veiga, remembers the first years of film exhibition in Portugal.
Weekly publication of cinematographic art.
Notes on the cinematographic work of Aníbal Contreiras and César de Sá.
Commentary on the scientific films’ enormous interest, namely those using chronophotography.
Notes on film’s potential in depicting reality with emphasis on some reels on WWI.
Commentary on the historical value of newsreels in terms of search and reconstructing of events.
Notes on the documentary films depicting submarine life, referring some technologies used.
Report on the departure of Augusto Claro to Africa and the reasons behind this departure.