Dokudrama über den Krefelder Künstler Albert Oehlen, Jahrgang 1954, der zu den "Neuen Wilden" der deutschen Kunstszene gehört. Er ist Objekt- und Installationskünstler, vor allem aber einer der be...
In seinem Dokumentarfilm begibt sich der Regisseur Mahmoud al-Massad auf den Weg in seine Geburtsstadt Sarka in Jordanien, die gleichzeitig die Heimatstadt des 2005 von den US-Truppen getöteten iraki...
Videobotschaft anlässlich der "Carte Blanche"-Reihe von Helge Schneider im Deutschen Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main im Oktober 2013
Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Bestsellers von David Mitchell. In parallelen Handlungssträngen werden sechs Einzelschicksale aus unterschiedlichen Zeitaltern erzählt, die auf ungeahnte Weise miteinand...
Peter Kraus
Szene mit Rade Serbedzija (vorne)
Liesl Karlstadt, Karl Valentin
Szene mit Gustav Fröhlich
Szene mit Cate Blanchett
Hans-Werner Meyer (second from right), August Zirner (right) in "Contergan" (2007)
Alexander Korda
Brian McClatchy while shooting "Tagebuch einer Biene" (2020)
British and Belgian troops on dockside at Ostend. "Trekking To Safety - British and Belgian troops watch the departure of the refugees from Ostend" - one shot only after this title.
Documentary about gold extraction methods in the Aruwimi River area. All the various stages are illustrated. Rivers and rocks are first explored and then drilled. Once raw materials are sorted accordi...
An unidentified (and unfortunately incomplete) exotic melodrama, tends towards De Mille's The Cheat. Considered by specialists as a German film.
I. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on the city and cathedral at Amiens after the German failure to capture the city, 5th-7th April 1918. II. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on ...
Short newsreel item on Venice during the First World War, focusing in particular on Venice's canal network, used to transport men and munitions.
An unidentified news report about various aspects of the First World War. Great emphasis is being placed on the British Army and the recruitment of soldiers.
From private wedding festivities at a wooden villa in the city of Fredikstad.
A commercial for Rex Margarine with the Greek philosopher Diogenes as the main character.