I. A battery of Field Artillery in medium shot moving rapidly across country, followed by a close-up of the last two guns passing a small hut at the trot. A stationary Medium A Whippet tank (B37, poss...
I. (Reel 1) The Western Front 1916, re-edited sections of IWM 116 BATTLE OF THE ANCRE, using the same scenes and captions as the original, but not in the same order. This covers events in the middle p...
The procession is led by a car covered in Union Jacks. It includes a military band, a mock stagecoach, more cars, a display of troops marching, military cadets, the 6-inch howitzer drawn by a camoufla...
Kaiser Wilhelm waits, wearing his Austrian field marshal's uniform, with his officers in the snow. Jump cut to Wilhelm greeting Karl beside his train just after his arrival. The two emperors arrive by...
Kaiser Wilhelm II and leading military officials at the celebrations for the 70th birthday of Field Marshal von Hindenburg. The October 1917 photographs show both Hindenburg's residence in Bad Kreuzna...
1 - didascalia in caratteri gotici: "Waehrend die oesterrechischish-ungarischen Armeen nach Russisch-Polen vordrangen, wandten sich die Russen mit voller Wucht gegen Ostgalizien" [mentre le truppe aus...
1. Stuttgart: The first monument to Hindenburg in Germany…
2. … is made of snow.
3. Cairo: The crowning of the new Sultan of Egypt.
4. Batumi: The radio station that was destroyed by t...
1. Batumi: The Russian trade steamer that was sunk by the Turks.
2. War reports from the West. / Primitive manufacture of wax candles for the trenches. Photographed by Martin Kopp.
3. Coast ...
Julius Urgiss, Hindenburg, dem Förderer der Lichtbildkunst, Der Kinematograph, 561, (1917), S. 12-13. Lob des Generalfeldmarschalls für seinen Einsatz zugunsten des Mediums Film. Hervorgehoben wird ...
Messter Film GmbH, Zum 70. Geburtstag Generalfeldmarschalls von Hindenburg, Der Kinematograph, 561, (1917), S. 18-19.