The assembly groups the films into episodes as follows: (Reel 1) Salonika, the voyage to Egypt, the ceremony of the drums, the aeroplane flight; (Reel 2) the horse show, scenes at a 'cactus patch' loc...
British and Belgian troops on dockside at Ostend. "Trekking To Safety - British and Belgian troops watch the departure of the refugees from Ostend" - one shot only after this title.
I. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on the city and cathedral at Amiens after the German failure to capture the city, 5th-7th April 1918. II. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on ...
Still with Susanne Schäfer
Kostja Ullmann, Florian Lukas (v.l.n.r.)
"Die Odyssee" (2021)
Szene aus "Hallelujah!"
Gustav Knuth, Freddy Quinn (v.l.n.r.)
Levi Eisenblätter, Tobias Moretti, Johanna Wokalek, Louis Hofmann (left to right) in "Deutschstunde" (2019)
"Sieben Tage im September" (2014)
Gerhard Mack (left) in "Die Sinfonie der Ungewissheit" (2018)
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "...und abends in die Scala".
Internal correspondence regarding "...und abends in die Scala".
Daily production report on the shooting of "Was eine Frau im Frühling träumt", No. 1, 02 May 1958.
Daily production report No. 19, 03 September 1964 on the shooting of "Das 7. Opfer".
Rheinische Filmgesellschaft , Der letzte Untertan, Der Kinematograph, 645, (1919), S. 2. Werbung, die darauf hinweist, dass Filme wie der beworbene erst aufgrund der Aufhebung der Zensur möglich seie...
Costume excerpt for "The Indian Tomb", part of "Chandra" played by Walter Reyer.
Daily production report No. 34, 16 February 1966 on the shooting of "Lange Beine - lange Finger".
Time report, 02 October 1958, on "The Indian Tomb".