Several news items. Students from the Royal Military School (prince Philip, amongst others) are being taken around for a guided tour in the Yser region.
Newsitems West Flanders. Amongst others, an exhibition in the town of De Panne, of which some paintings by Prince Charles of Flanders. In the presence of Mayor Versteele; a floral tribute is being giv...
Newsitems West Flanders. Variety of topics. Amongst others, commemoration of Armistice Day (November 11, 1919).
News items West Flanders. Amongst others, a visit by King Baudouin to Nieuwpoort, West Flanders, laying wreaths at the statue of his grandfather King Albert I, shaking hands with veterans and speaking...
Représentation cinématographique de la jeune héroïne belge Yvonne Vieslet incarnant le martyr de la Belgique pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Le premier plan du film est un bouquet de fleurs...
News report on the ceremonies concerning the funeral of King Albert I.
Expédition sous-marine dans les Dardanelles, à la recherche des restes d'un cuirassé britannique coulé pendant la Première guerre mondiale. Le film commence par des images d'archives illustrant ...
News items about the funeral of King of Belgium, Albert I.
Still from "Was Liebe vermag"
Still with Carl Clewing (front, on the left)
Paul Kronegg, Traute Carlsen, Franz Herterich (from left to right)
Luis Trenker
Lyda Salmonova
Still with Henny Porten
Screenshot from "Mit L.35 über Berlin und Potsdam"
Paul Hartmann, Adolf Klein (from left to right)
Eiko Film, Ich kenne keine Parteien mehr, Der Kinematograph, 406, (1914), S. 1. Werbeanzeige mit Hinweis auf "Beseitigung der Zensurschwierigkeiten".
Revolverjournalisten, Der Kinematograph, 683, (1920), S. 20-21. Bericht, dass Filme auch in der Tagespresse eine immer stärkere Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen würden. Viele Zeitungen seien dazu übergegang...