(Reel 1) Near Bapaume a German "anti-tank gun" lies in an unidentifiable wreck with its crew dead beside it. Shells burst in the distance. Two 6-inch Mk VII guns are drawn by Holt tractors to new posi...
(Reel 1) Most of the scenes are of Indian troops of 15th Cavalry Brigade, 5th Cavalry Division. Also shown in the advance are the Nottinghamshire Battery, Royal Horse Artillery and 'A' Battery of the ...
I. The film is outspoken, "The evidence - both documentary and otherwise - is now ample to prove that Germany forced this great and terrible War upon humanity to secure for herself the domination of t...
I. The film is often disjointed, but covers the transfer of American manpower and matériel across the Atlantic, culminating in their first major engagement in the Battle of Château-Thierry in June 1...
(Reel 1) Albert Cathedral, mid-1916. The Canadian 6th Brigade, 2nd Division, led by Brigadier-General H D B Ketchen (past German prisoners) towards the battlefield, halts to rest at La Boisselle cross...
I. Captain Paul Daum, commanding the French 28ième Escadrille, attached to 79th Division, posed in his Salmson 2A2 aircraft at Rumont on 18th October. A posed group of officers of the escadrille. Lef...
The "Deuxième Bataille Offensive de Verdun" opens with a bombardment. A 145mm naval gun firing under tarpaulin, showing its loading mechanism clearly. Other guns join in - a 155mm heavy howitzer, a 7...
The Prince talks with French staff officers in a snowbound wood. Getting out of his car at another location he walks into a wood with his party. The group poses for the camera.The French troops have s...
From the left: Tomeš (Russian uniform), Bárta (French uniform) and Janda (Italian uniform).
American soldiers sent to France march with the American flags in the streets of Paris.
Mobilization in Germany. German soldiers wave from the windows of the train before leaving for the front.
Czechoslovak volunteers on a small station in Siberia.
Czechoslovak volunteers relax - a run competition.
Technical troops maintained in good repair railway tracks - covering the underside of rails.
A monument with a stone lion - a symbol of Czech statehood- on the grave of fallen volunteers.
Welcome of the President T.G. Masaryk after his arrival in the country. On the monument of Jan Hus is a banner with the slogan "People of Jan Hus".
Traugott Schalcher, Die neue Generation, Das Lichtbildtheater, 6.Jg, Nr.22, (1914). Der Artikel berichtet von der Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der das Kino als Medium in der jungen Generation angenomm...
Urteil über "Tirol in Waffen", Das Lichtbildtheater, 6.Jg, Nr.10, (1914). Rezension, die den pädagogischen Wert des Filmes unterstreicht. Jeder Deutsche solle diesen Film gesehen haben. Unterzeichne...
O. Verf.. "Kinematographische Landesreklame." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,6 (1913/1914): 150. In Italien werde der Film als Werbemittel zur Ankurbelung des Tour...
Dr. Sylva Luxor, "Neue Angriffe des „Vorwärts“ gegen das Kino", Der Kinematograph, 406, (1914), S. 8-9. Entgegnungen auf die Vorwürfe der Sozialdemokraten, die Kriegslage zur eigenen Bereicherun...
Robert Neulaender, Kino und Krieg, Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, IV, 12, (1914/1915), S. 256-257. Die Filmberichte über das "Neueste vom Kriegsschauplatz" seien eig...