A football match between Elgin City and an unidentified team, and the Inspection and Presentation of Colours of the Boys' Brigade (Inverness Battalion).
Various scenes of the village of Colinton from the early 1940s through to the mid 1950s.
Family Christmas from the mid 1960s.
A history of the Forth and Clyde Canal.
Laurel and Hardy visit Edinburgh in 1932, arriving at Waverley Station, going to the North British Hotel and finally, visiting the Castle.
A comedic tale set in the garden of the Thoms' family house, on a summer's day. A group of boys playing in the garden get into trouble with a pernickety neighbour but later redeem themselves by spott...
Sponsored by Glasgow Corporation Education Committee, this educational film introduces the chief tools used by the carpenter.
Tour of the Highlands and Islands in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Scenes include farming, fishing, mountain climbing, ships, and a brief shot of the 'talkies' being installed at Balmoral.
Szene aus "Peter Lump"
Szene mit Grethe Weiser
David Zimmerschied in "Kill Me Today, Tomorrow I'm Sick!" (2017/18)
Fabian Busch
Johann Hillmann, Stephan Kampwirth (v.l.n.r.)
David Kross, Detlev Buck (from left to right)
Szene aus "The White Room"
Szene aus "Hundert Jahre Brecht"
Ling, eine Frau von Mitte zwanzig, lernt in ihrer chinesischen Heimatstadt Chongqing den Geschäftsreisenden Yu kennen, der allerdings in Berlin lebt. Zwischen den beiden funkt es auf Anhieb, und zum ...
Die hoffnungslose Romantikerin Kerstin glaubt fest an die große Liebe und wartet seit Monaten darauf, dass ihr Exfreund Thomas zu ihr zurückkehrt. Um sich die Zeit zu vertreiben, flüchtet sie sich ...
A Palazzo Madama, si tiene la seduta del Consiglio dei Ministri durante il quale De Gasperi farà una relazione dei risultati ottenuti dal suo viaggio negli Stati Uniti. Prima che la riunione abbia lu...
01 - Una scuola moderna Sull’inquadratura di un padre che controlla il quaderno del figlio, la voce di commento racconta che molte scuole hanno adottato il metodo Montessori, un approccio peda...
An investigation of the world of photo illustrated comics.
On the 150th anniversary of the Carabinieri Service, this documentary commemorates the service’s history, founded on the motto “For Centuries Faithful”. A celebration of Carabinieri histor...
Il documentario ripercorre le tappe della produzione artistica del pittore Carlo Carrà illustrando alcune delle sue opere più note. Nato a Quargnento (Alessandria) nel 1881, Carrà nelle prime...
I primi fumetti americani arrivano in Italia nel 1909 con il Corriere dei piccoli: Happy Hooligan (Fortunello), Maud (la Checca), Fritz e Hans (Bibì e Bibò) monopolizzano il mercato fino agli ...