Due bambini del riformatorio minorile Ferrante Aporti al lavoro con due sacchi di juta contenenti paglia e carta. . La maglietta con la scritta "Torino" è indossata nei diversi riformatori fascisti s...
Piano ravvicinato e dal basso di alcune colonne del pronao della Basilica di Superga. L’edificio, dedicato alla natività di Maria, sorge sulla collina torinese. È la prima grande opera a Torino de...
Un antico rituale, dove convivono paganesimo e cristianesimo, eseguito in un piccolo Santuario isolato, in una vallata a pochi chilometri da Raiano, nei pressi di Sulmona (in provincia de L’Aq...
Immagini di Piazza Nettuno, Piazza Maggiore e Palazzo Re Enzo. Cartello recante “Solidarietà alla Spagna Democratica. Bologna, Aprile 1964. Mostra del pittore Augustin Ibarrola”. Immagini della m...
[Bologna vs. Napoli football match, 17 December 1972] 17 December 1972. The gates of the Dall’Ara Stadium in Bologna before the Bologna vs. Napoli football match. Fans on the terraces. Footage from ...
WARSTATT, Willi Dr.: "Das künstlerische Problem in der Photographie und in der Kinematographie". In: Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, Jg. 1913/1914, Nr. III, 1, S.7-10...
Friday night. A council estate outside the city. Per is badly beaten up on his way home from a night out. He is taken to hospital in a coma. The police have no clues; the air is thick with suspicion. ...
Promotiefilm in journaalstijl over een jeugdwedstrijd die georganiseerd werd door Sabena en de Cinéac-zalen. De film toont eerst kort de Cineac-zalen van Antwerpen, Brussel en Luik. Daarna zien we 2 ...
Episode: Gene Ratio
Rosana Pastor, Ian Hart
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Tamara Samonte
Episode: Ein kurzer Moment
German movie poster of "Above and Below" (2012-14)
Szene mit David Thornton
Maggie Peren
01 – Incontri Al Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia di Roma si tiene un convegno dal titolo “Il lungo sonno del cortometraggio italiano” in cui vengono approfondite le problematiche leg...
Following a few references to geometry in painting prior to the Renaissance, the film focuses on the discovery of perspective, a fundamental chapter in the history of figurative art. With the ne...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Cavalry troops deployed on missions to link up the Aragon front, making the Republican raised fist salute. New recruits, dressed in a vari...
Laya Films news report produced during the Spanish Civil War. Parade of troops in Barcelona organised by the Government of Catalonia as a tribute to the Unified Militia. Opening of a children's cantee...
Episode of the monthly series of stories from the book Cuore of Edmondo De Amicis. In the town hall there is a solemn ceremony of handing over the medal for civil valor. The winner is a Piedmont boy w...
Musical fantasy about "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saëns. (Orchestra of the Conservatory of Paris, directed by René Leibowitz). Experimental film with a series of images that want to convey a sy...
I udkanten af landsbyen, helt nede ved stranden, ligger den gamle mølle. I over hundrede år har den gået efter vinden, men aldrig har den malet sin møller velstand til. Den velhavende Per Persson...
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