Film of 'Tammie Twister', a pantomime which includes George West and Jack E Raymond as Laurel and Hardy.
The 750th Anniversary of Kirkintilloch and the celebrations and events to mark it, including a football match, swimming competition, and a church parade.
Life on Marywell Farm during the first years of the Taggart family's occupancy.
Cyclical year in the life of the Taggart family as they take up residence at Marywell Farm. Their first experiences of country life.
Amateur footage of the Erskine ferry and slipways after ceasing operation after the opening of the new Erskine Bridge.
Amateur footage of ciné club outings to Moffat and Biggar.
Behind the scenes footage of activities at the Scottish Association of Amateur Cinematographers' weekend at Crieff Hydro.
Amateur footage of women working in an office in Glasgow city centre, and general views at Faslane on Gare Loch, including the liner Aquitania.
Christobal Farais (second from left), Rifka Lodeizen in "Messi and Maud" (2017)
German movie poster of "Can and Me" (2022)
"Messi and Maud" (2017)
Rifka Lodeizen, Christobal Farais in "Messi and Maud" (2017)
Szene aus "Lost and found"
"Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
German movie poster of "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Irja von Bernstorff (second from the right), Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Social problems: housing This documentary consists of two parts. The first part shows a demonstration which took place in Piazza Maggiore, Bologna, on the first day of May, International Labour Day. T...
The problem of depopulation in the Langhe countryside, where the problem is particularly serious regarding young people.
Activity in a cement works.
Der Tod des berühmten Theaterautors Antonie d’Anthac trifft seine Freunde wie ein Schock. Kurz nach dem traurigen Ereignis erhalten einige von ihnen eine mysteriöse Einladung in das Landhaus des V...
Der Ausbruch des isländischen Vulkans Eyjafjallajökull bringt im Frühjahr 2010 den europäischen Flugverkehr zum Erliegen. Betroffen sind davon auch die Reisepläne von Alain und Valérie, die im F...
Deutschland, 1941: Der kritische Journalist Ludwig Kirsch steht kurz vor der Verhaftung durch die Nazis. Sein zwölfjähriger Sohn Rolf, der seinen treuen Terrier Adi stets zur Seite hat, lenkt sich v...
Ling, eine Frau von Mitte zwanzig, lernt in ihrer chinesischen Heimatstadt Chongqing den Geschäftsreisenden Yu kennen, der allerdings in Berlin lebt. Zwischen den beiden funkt es auf Anhieb, und zum ...
A Palazzo Madama, si tiene la seduta del Consiglio dei Ministri durante il quale De Gasperi farà una relazione dei risultati ottenuti dal suo viaggio negli Stati Uniti. Prima che la riunione abbia lu...