Bill Drummond in "Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow And All Music Has Disappeared" (2013-15)
Bill Drummond in "Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow And All Music Has Disappeared" (2013-15)
German movie poster of "Embryo - A Journey of Music and Peace" (2018)
"Embryo - A Journey of Music and Peace" (2018)
"Embryo - A Journey of Music and Peace" (2018)
A multi-national film of composite short fiction pieces: "The Letter", a drama from Denmark by Iranian Amir Rezazadeh; "Open Doors", a Swedish comedy by Argentinean Marcelo Racana; "Pigs & Pearls", an...
Gudrun Houlberg, Valdemar Psilander
Olaf Fönss
Still with Valdemar Psilander (in the middle)
Still with Else Frölich (second from the right), Olaf Fönss (on the right)
Olaf Fönss, Alma Hinding
Valdemar Psilander
Still from "Herrn Arnes Schatz"
Mary Johnson, Richard Lund
Den unge opdager, cand. jur. Karl Frank, har på embedsvegne været en tur i udlandet. På hjemrejsen stifter han tilfældig bekendtskab med en ung, smuk dame, der i overordentlig grad fanger hans int...