A cute, short guy named Alexis (Nikos Rizos) is in charge of looking after his nephews Kostas and Tolis, whose thoughts revolve around two beautiful neighbors– Anna and Kaiti – who are nieces of a...
A rich Greek-American (Vasilis Mitsakis) is vacationing on a Greek island together with his daughter (Katia Dandoulaki). The entrepreneur used to be a surgeon but left his job feeling responsible for ...
A young psychiatrist, Eleni Stavrianou, with painful memories from when her psychopath father killed her mother and then took his own life, is treating young Christina, who suffers from a serious form...
Nikolas Staikos’ foreman, Michalis Gousias, secretely marries beautiful Anna, the only child of his boss. After Michalis’ sudden death in a car accident, Anna withdraws to a nunnery, thinking tha...
Petros is the offspring of a rich family with principles, but who is passionately in love with Marina, a poor girl who lives with her mother. His father, as expected, doesn’t give his consent to suc...
In rural Greece, two brothers live harmoniously with their wives, keeping busy with their farm work. When one of the brothers goes to town for some business, the brother who stays behind has an affair...
A pilot (Kostas Prekas) is married and has a daughter. The fact that he has an affair with another woman affects his relationship with his family. When he is injured and cannot fly planes anymore, his...
A poor but sensible young man, Stefanos, whose mother is the janitor in the apartment building where they live, studies law by day and sings in a nightclub at night. When Christina, the lovely daughte...