A pickpocket acts as an inept golfer. Helpful souls become robbed. A female pickpocket turns up. The two pickpockets pick the golfers pockets. But they become disclosed. They try to escape and shoot a...
A short melodrama: the Chinese man Sang Lee takes pity on a white child (Jack). Twenty years later, Jack, now a prominent lawyer, defends his foster father in court from false accusations.
When the now-wealthy Jack sees his former lover by chance on the silver screen, he immediately goes looking for her.
Bellany - A Life, Death and Resurrection explores the life and work of the extraordinary Scots painter, John Bellany.
Perugia and its Italian University for foreign students.
1426 - Verdun - Fort de Tavannes (Département Meuse, Lorraine)
1399 - Bois-le-Prêtre - Observatoire (Priesterwald, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine)
Mont Haut - Cimetière (Département Marne)
4209 - Verdun - Tunnel á Tavannes (Département Meuse, Lorraine)
1416 - Releve des morts
1470 - Avant l'assaut á Ville-sur-Tourbe (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
1500 - Perthes - Cadavre (Ardennes, Champagne-Ardennes)
1807 - Mort-Homme - Cadavre? enlisé? (Cumières-le-Mort-Homme?, Département Meuse, Lorraine)
An der Straßenbahnhaltestelle Geiselgasteig trifft der Sportreporter Robert Krohn (Hilmar Thate) eine verängstigte Frau. Er bringt sie in die Stadt, sieht sie am nächsten Tag in einem noblen C...
Første bånd:INDHOLD: LA div. 33 rl. 1: NFP 80 -1:00:02:00 Tekst: Det kgl. københavnske Skydeselskab og danske Broderskab. ARkiv for billeder og film. 00:02:10 Lystfugleskydninger på Vesterbro 1931...
Lebensbild (Ton- und Geräuschfilm mit Gesangs- und
[deutschen] Dialogstellen) nach dem Roman von
L’immagine di uno scriba egizio dà inizio al racconto, dedicato all’evoluzione del libro attraverso i secoli: dai papiri e le pergamene ai codici medievali, dagli incunaboli alle edizioni b...