An excursion into the periodical permanent exhibitions put on display in the Czech National Museum in Prague told through a story of flirting young couple. The film follows the history chronologically...
Ensemble de sept documents tournés juste après la signature des accords Blum-Byrnes, entre les gouvernements français et américains, autorisant la projection massive des films américains sur le t...
Documentary film from the First World Festival of Youth and Students in Prague 1947. It presents the arrival of individual delegations to Prague and a selection of sports activities and dance or music...
On Whit Weekend, millions of Europeans take to the streets to enjoy a short vacation in the spring air. The film shows the freedom of Western Europeans to organize their own leisure time, in stark con...
Letter from a French student to a German politician in which she presents him with her father's Cross of Merit. Flashback to the 1914-1918 war, Verdun, battlefields, cemetery. Pictures from the Ruhr a...
After various difficulties, an unemployed Italian finds a job at the “Aquila” refinery, which has been reconstructed thanks to the money and machinery sent by the United States through ECA. No dat...
An excursion into the periodical permanent exhibitions put on display in the Czech National Museum in Prague told through a story of flirting young couple. The film follows the history chronologically...
Ensemble de sept documents tournés juste après la signature des accords Blum-Byrnes, entre les gouvernements français et américains, autorisant la projection massive des films américains sur le t...
On Whit Weekend, millions of Europeans take to the streets to enjoy a short vacation in the spring air. The film shows the freedom of Western Europeans to organize their own leisure time, in stark con...
Letter from a French student to a German politician in which she presents him with her father's Cross of Merit. Flashback to the 1914-1918 war, Verdun, battlefields, cemetery. Pictures from the Ruhr a...
After various difficulties, an unemployed Italian finds a job at the “Aquila” refinery, which has been reconstructed thanks to the money and machinery sent by the United States through ECA. No dat...
A film gives a tour through a history and a cultural heritage of the town of Telč. It praises its historical architecture, namely the middle-age and Renaissance epochs. It frequently employs travelli...
La cité d’expériences de Noisy-le-Sec. A l’été 1945, se dresse à une dizaine de kilomètres de Paris un chantier expérimental de maisons. Inaugurant la politique de chantiers expérimentaux ...
Anzeige für Werbeschilder.
Zensurwirrwarr !, Die Filmwelt, 12.Jg., 50, (1918), S. 12-20. Obwohl die Zensur durch Reichsgesetzgebung aufgehoben sei, würde die Zensur in Württemberg und Bayern weiterbestehen, in Berlin würden ...
Richard Ostwald Film GmbH, Die Prostitution, Lichtbildbühne, 50, (1918), S. 74-75. Werbung für einen Film über die Prostitution.
Memo for "Das verbotene Paradies".
Das Königliche Bild-und Filmamt und die Industrie, Der Kinematograph, 571, (1917). S. 22ff. Artikel über Verhandlungen des Bild-und Filmamtes mit Vertretern der Filmindustrie. Bufa zeige sich am Woh...