Dykes and acqueduct's construction in the Flumendosa valley and the Mulargie, in Sardinia.
After the liberation of Alsace, inventory of Alsatian villages and images of the reconstruction.
The presenter Jacqueline Joubert explains what television is and how it works.
Delegation of young Soviets visiting the Cité Radieuse and the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille.
La ricostruzione dell'industria tessile italiana nel dopoguerra con gli aiuti dell'Amministrazione delle Nazioni Unite per la riabilitazione e il soccorso dei Paesi liberati.
1 - un paesino di mo...
Creazione di squadre di volontari per dissotterare le mine disseminate sul territorio italiano.
1 - cartello in testa a ricordo di quanti morirono nel tentativo di disinnescare le mine;
2 - ...
Il documentario illustra il lavoro di ricostruzione e di restauro di alcuni monumenti dell'antichità romana, di chiese, di mosaici e di affreschi del Lazio.
1 - panoramica sui Fori romani
Il documentario illustra le danze, le musiche, i costumi folkloristici di alcune regioni italiane.
1 - in uno scenario alpino gli abitanti del Passo del Pordoi si esibiscono in musiche e danze fo...
23088 - Artois - Cornqilles - Tranchées boches
32989 - Argonne - Clermont en ruines
01078 - Rubescourt - En première ligne (Département Somme)
3219 - Chevreux 1917 - en première ligne (Cheuvreux?)
23282 - Tahure - Attelage Boche
22032 - Douai en ruines
22942 - Nieuport - Zouaves (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale)
22887 - Nieuport (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale)
A "School for Officers" is established at the historic "Ecole Militaire" in Paris. Staff officers and senior officials from all 14 NATO countries are trained with the aim of forming an effective defen...
The documentary black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch shows Sorbian Easter riders on their procession from Bautzen to Radwor/Radibor in April 1954. The film also shows securing work on the roof of t...
A documentary film made on the occasion of the opening of the V. I. Lenin Museum in Prague with the participation of President Klement Gottwald and the government. Thanks to various reconstructions th...
An animated film that tells the story of the Marshall Plan's economic reconstruction aid in the form of a fable. Emphasis is placed on breaking down trade barriers and building a community market. © ...
The film was shot on the occasion of the 4th World Festival of Youth and Students 1953 in Bucharest. It tells the story of a high school graduate who is supposed to work in production in a socialist y...
First, pictures of pre-war Hanover are shown, followed by the result of the Second World War, the rubble landscape of Hanover. Then the beginning and the individual steps of the reconstruction until t...
Documentary film about the reconstruction of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. It presents the history of the Bethlehem Chapel from 1391 through the Josephine period, when the chapel turned into a wareh...
The story of the INA-Casa project begins with the architect's study, which from the design of luxurious villas moves on to houses for the people, giving an account of a project functional to the indus...