The French government introduces a rental tax intended to finance the improvement and maintenance of housing.
Reopening of the Eiffel Tower to the public after the WWII and the German occupation.
Millions of Europeans, refugees and deportees, return to their homeland. The film shows the Americans' organized transfer of displaced persons, as well as the arrival in the Soviet zone of hundreds of...
Il documentario illustra l'impiego dell'alluminio, definito "il metallo del secolo", nella costruzione di edifici ad uso abitativo, di alberghi, di impianti sportivi
1 - panoramiche su alcune cit...
An amateur film depicting physics lessons at a rural primary school. Boys and girls engage in physical experiments and count, the film also shows an examination. The author is probably a teacher.
The basement of the Parisian suburbs is riddled with quarries and vaults due to the construction of the metro. An entire district of Nanterre collapsed after a landslide due to the erosion of the subs...
L'épisode montre comment le cinéma est utilisé dans la recherche technique de la SNCF. Les essais sont filmés et étudiés par les techniciens, qui peuvent ainsi apporter les modifications nécess...
A plane lands in Berlin, passengers leave the plane and pass through customs, suitcases are unloaded. Ride by cab or bus into the city. Chancellor Adenauer on the bus to Berlin. Stream of refugees in ...
Millions of Europeans, refugees and deportees, return to their homeland. The film shows the Americans' organized transfer of displaced persons, as well as the arrival in the Soviet zone of hundreds of...
During the grape harvest, two women trample the grape in Montmartre and pour the juice in the bottle. On its label, Truman and Stalin clink glasses.
The French government introduces a rental tax intended to finance the improvement and maintenance of housing.
Reopening of the Eiffel Tower to the public after the WWII and the German occupation.
Il documentario illustra l'impiego dell'alluminio, definito "il metallo del secolo", nella costruzione di edifici ad uso abitativo, di alberghi, di impianti sportivi
1 - panoramiche su alcune cit...
The film outlines the state of transportation in post-war Europe and the progress being made in rebuilding and modernizing roads, airports and the rail network. National initiatives and Marshall Plan ...
An amateur film depicting physics lessons at a rural primary school. Boys and girls engage in physical experiments and count, the film also shows an examination. The author is probably a teacher.
Film production supported by the British occupation forces as part of the Re-Orientation program. A radio reporter for women's issues provokes in his broadcast with the suggestion that women should co...
A promotional film presenting the cities and natural landscapes of Czechoslovakia to a foreign audience. The framework of the film is a staged situation of projection for the audience in a non-theatri...
Repas (la fin ?), dans un jardin à l'ombre. Deux hommes et un garçon en maillot de bain dans la rue, ils s'amusent avec un ballon. Ils rejoignent d'autres personnes, traversent une rue et se retrouv...
En route vers Paris, Verdun est visité lors d'une escale. La vacancière flâne dans les rues animées et passe devant les vitrines des magasins.
Bordeaux : construction d'une cité de la cité de la Benauge de A à Z. Ce film d'archive nous montre les différentes phases de construction. Le terrain vague où jouent des enfants, aux fondations ...
Après la présentation des quartiers misérables de Pantin, le document permet de suivre le déroulement du chantier de deux mille logements HLM inscrits dans le programme national au titre du secteu...
The film is a collective oeuvre from the directors - all militants for the Communist party - depicting with original material and images from the anglo-american troops the phases of Liberation of Ital...
Autour du Blaubach et du Waidmarkt, les dommages de guerre sont encore clairement visibles dans la Südstadt de Cologne. Les maisons sont en ruines tandis que les gens tentent de mener leur vie normal...
Le film commence avec des vues de villages et d'architecture traditionnelle du Pays Basque, des Landes, de la Touraine, de la Normandie, de la Bretagne, d'Alsace. La voix off s'interroge : faut il tra...