1 - immagini della città del Vaticano
2 - San Pietro
3 - soldati fanno la guardia a piazza San Pietro
4 - carta della città, vengono tracciati i punti dove sono cadute le quattro bomb...
Negli anni '50 per colmare le carenze di mano d'opera specializzata, lo Stato ha finanziato direttamente ed attraverso altre società, i corsi di addestramento professionale, soprattutto riferiti alle...
The film relates a collective television experiment carried out in rural areas with the support of Unesco. In several villages, the inhabitants jointly bought a television set, installed in the school...
La reconstruction d'un viaduc entre la France et l'Allemagne, en Alsace.
Reconstruction in Heilbronn: city hall, train station, museums, etc. Film footage shot between 1947 and 1957.
Reconstruction in Heilbronn: schools and churches. Film footage from 1946 - 1957, before 22.02.1957.
A playful film about a Saturday: In the morning clean laundry has to be delivered to customers and hotels across the city. In the afternoon the friends can go to the fair and enjoy themselves. The fil...
Venise, une femme sur la place saint Marc nourrit des pigeons, c'est l'hiver, les passants sont couverts, il y a du brouillard.
1399 - Bois-le-Prêtre - Observatoire (Priesterwald, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine)
Mont Haut - Cimetière (Département Marne)
4209 - Verdun - Tunnel á Tavannes (Département Meuse, Lorraine)
1416 - Releve des morts
1470 - Avant l'assaut á Ville-sur-Tourbe (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
1500 - Perthes - Cadavre (Ardennes, Champagne-Ardennes)
1807 - Mort-Homme - Cadavre? enlisé? (Cumières-le-Mort-Homme?, Département Meuse, Lorraine)
Verdun - Ravin des vignes (Département Meuse, Lorraine)
The black-and-white film "Baroque in Reconstruction" by Ernst Hirsch dates from 1951/52 and shows reconstruction work on the Zwinger, which was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden in 1945. The inter...
Les vacanciers visitent la place de la Concorde à Paris et regardent l'obélisque de Louxor et l'Hôtel de Crillon. On aperçoit la Tour Eiffel au loin et des enfants lancent des bateaux dans un peti...
Greek villagers return to their homes in the mountains, destroyed first in the fight against the Germans and then in the civil war. The film shows how laboriously and agonizingly these people rebuild ...
Documentary film from the First World Festival of Youth and Students in Prague 1947. It presents the arrival of individual delegations to Prague and a selection of sports activities and dance or music...
Educational documentary for workers at the Fiat about the speed of work and how to optimase the rhythm of work.
The footage shows the loading of a cargo of mass produced FIAT 1900 berlinas on a Italcielo boat. From the Genoa seaport the cars are shipped and delivered abroad .
Czechoslovak newsreel depicting European workers' conference, peace march, assembly of the best lathes, spring work in agriculture, scrap processing, and production of new cars.
The film depicting the circumstances of the Slavic Agricultural Exhibition reflects on the possibilities of international cooperation in the field of agriculture and forestry.