Cette première série comporte cinq sujets : "Souvenir" montre l'inauguration de deux plaques commémoratives pour les déportés et le retour des camps de concentration. Dans "Au nom de la France", ...
A systematic survey of destroyed bridges over the neckar and the efforts and varying techniques to rebuild them. Some bridges are reopened with ceremonial acts and festivities, some are replace with o...
Finance minister Maurice Petsche calls on the French to purchase government bonds for the country's reconstruction and for facilities. He symbolically grants one bond share to French president Vincent...
The 30 November 1952 elections in Saarland have resulted in a victory for the party in favour of a regime marked by pro-European autonomy and unity with France. Saarland is presented as a mining count...
Opening of Maréchal Pétain's trial on 23 July 1945 in the Paris High Courts of Justice. Retrospective pictures of the return of Pétain to France, his captivity in Montrouge and the opening of the t...
Hands cutting bread with bread machine, slices of bread. Farmer driving tractor on field. Windmill. Loaves of bread lying in shop window. Map of northern Germany: Emsland is marked. (10:00:00 - 10:01:...
A survey of the situation in postwar Germany, produced to raise funds in the US. The film is clearly structured: The first part demonstrates the severe damage of German cities, carefully weaving in ch...
Speakers pledge rehabilitation of displaced persons and refugees undergo training at Zettlitz farm.
0 Titles / 43 MV memorial and people passing by / 50 Refugees at Camp Feldafing / 70 Refugees i...
The staged film represents the crew of the film newsreel, which has the task of finding suitable types of people, on the example of which it is possible to show negative social phenomena. They mainly ...
A general overview on the damages provoked by the WWII to the railway infrastructures and on the efforts to reconstruct them undertaken by the Italian state in collaboration with the allies.
"Asylrecht" was made in 1948/49 as a commissioned work for the British occupation forces. It was shown in Great Britain under the title Report on the Refugee Situation, January 1949. In Germany, where...
Montan film about the European Coal and Steel Community.
Documentary film with fictional elements. The subject of the film is the economic and social reconstruction achievements of the state of Lower Saxony from 1946 to 1950. These are illustrated primarily...
The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch document the roof work on the Cathedral of St. Trinitatis or Catholic Court Church, carried out by master builder Hermann Ullrich at the beginning of the 19...
A promotional film presenting the cities and natural landscapes of Czechoslovakia to a foreign audience. The framework of the film is a staged situation of projection for the audience in a non-theatri...
Repas (la fin ?), dans un jardin à l'ombre. Deux hommes et un garçon en maillot de bain dans la rue, ils s'amusent avec un ballon. Ils rejoignent d'autres personnes, traversent une rue et se retrouv...
En route vers Paris, Verdun est visité lors d'une escale. La vacancière flâne dans les rues animées et passe devant les vitrines des magasins.
Bordeaux : construction d'une cité de la cité de la Benauge de A à Z. Ce film d'archive nous montre les différentes phases de construction. Le terrain vague où jouent des enfants, aux fondations ...
Après la présentation des quartiers misérables de Pantin, le document permet de suivre le déroulement du chantier de deux mille logements HLM inscrits dans le programme national au titre du secteu...
The film is a collective oeuvre from the directors - all militants for the Communist party - depicting with original material and images from the anglo-american troops the phases of Liberation of Ital...
Autour du Blaubach et du Waidmarkt, les dommages de guerre sont encore clairement visibles dans la Südstadt de Cologne. Les maisons sont en ruines tandis que les gens tentent de mener leur vie normal...
Le film commence avec des vues de villages et d'architecture traditionnelle du Pays Basque, des Landes, de la Touraine, de la Normandie, de la Bretagne, d'Alsace. La voix off s'interroge : faut il tra...