The documentary black-and-white footage by filmmaker Ernst Hirsch dates from 1963 and shows final work on the Zwinger, which was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden in 1945 and then rebuilt, as well...
Countless simultaneous interpreters work in the European Council in Strasbourg. Among the 'language jugglers' small intrigues, quarrels and comedies take place. A film in the Strength for the Free Wor...
The little story of Koula the mule and his friend, a Greek farm boy, was well received outside Greece in Western Europe. The film commentary was translated into nine languages. With the help of mules ...
The film outlines the state of transportation in post-war Europe and the progress being made in rebuilding and modernizing roads, airports and the rail network. National initiatives and Marshall Plan ...
The film tells of incredible adventures in the commentary. But its images explore the gleaming machinery of a factory, full of the latest new technology, with which milk from all over France is turned...
The amateur film describes the course of the elections to the National Assembly among the employees of the Stalin plant in Litvínov. The film documents the announcement of elections, meetings of offi...
Norways hydroelectric complex, is finally ready to supply power to the nation and some of its neighbors. The fascinating story of the monster undertaking is told by a worker at the site. Begun before ...
Over the images of a rough sea and outgoing fishing boats runs an intertitle: "This film could not have been made without the aid of the people and the government of the Netherlands who have worked to...
A promotional film presenting the cities and natural landscapes of Czechoslovakia to a foreign audience. The framework of the film is a staged situation of projection for the audience in a non-theatri...
Repas (la fin ?), dans un jardin à l'ombre. Deux hommes et un garçon en maillot de bain dans la rue, ils s'amusent avec un ballon. Ils rejoignent d'autres personnes, traversent une rue et se retrouv...
En route vers Paris, Verdun est visité lors d'une escale. La vacancière flâne dans les rues animées et passe devant les vitrines des magasins.
Bordeaux : construction d'une cité de la cité de la Benauge de A à Z. Ce film d'archive nous montre les différentes phases de construction. Le terrain vague où jouent des enfants, aux fondations ...
Après la présentation des quartiers misérables de Pantin, le document permet de suivre le déroulement du chantier de deux mille logements HLM inscrits dans le programme national au titre du secteu...
The film is a collective oeuvre from the directors - all militants for the Communist party - depicting with original material and images from the anglo-american troops the phases of Liberation of Ital...
Autour du Blaubach et du Waidmarkt, les dommages de guerre sont encore clairement visibles dans la Südstadt de Cologne. Les maisons sont en ruines tandis que les gens tentent de mener leur vie normal...
Le film commence avec des vues de villages et d'architecture traditionnelle du Pays Basque, des Landes, de la Touraine, de la Normandie, de la Bretagne, d'Alsace. La voix off s'interroge : faut il tra...
Julius Urgiss, Oesel genommen, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 22-24. Rezension der Aufnahmen des Königlichen Bild- und Filmamtes von der Eroberung der Insel Ösel (Estland, zum russ. Reich gehör...
English dialogue list (excerpt) for "Kampf um Rom. 1. Teil" , with handwritten annotations by Robert Siodmak.
Brief der religiösen Genossenschaften und katholischen Frauenvereinigungen an das bayerische Innenministerium vom 14.12.1930 zu "Frauennot - Frauenglück".
Daily call sheet for 10 October 1958 for the shooting of "The Indian Tomb".