Les luttes des dockers durant l'hiver et le début du printemps 1950, filmées à Rouen, Saint-Nazaire, La Pallice (La Rochelle), Marseille et Bordeaux. Après une évocation de la précarité, de la ...
Production rooms of various local companies: Victor Rehm (costume jewelry parts), Hermann Becker (watch cases), Paul Raff (watch case assembly), Porta - Uhrenrohwerke (reassembly), Laco (semi-automati...
Bateau "Pace" Genova, à quai. Les passagers sur le pont. Une automobile descend du bateau. Ruines et volcan. Femmes et jeunes filles venant chercher de l'eau à la fontaine. Le pape Pie XII dans la f...
Les infrastructures et le réseau ferroviaire de la région nord ont été complètement dévastés pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les cheminots ont tout fait avec courage et détermination pour ...
A reflection of horrors executed by the Nazi regime in Czechoslovakia and abroad. The film focuses mostly on the documentation of concentration camps, mass graves and an accusation of representatives ...
A depiction and a celebration of a traditional and folkloric way of life in a countryside-like region of Slovácko (Moravia). It represents a traditional architecture, clothing, habits and folk art. I...
Documentaire historique sur Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, architecte et urbaniste sous les règnes de Louis XV et Louis XVI. Ledoux, père des visionnaires, et des utopistes, est découvert par la cour de Lo...
Sight of the most suggestive castles of Italy. Their historical importance and their artistic beauties.
The black-and-white film "Baroque in Reconstruction" by Ernst Hirsch dates from 1951/52 and shows reconstruction work on the Zwinger, which was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden in 1945. The inter...
Les vacanciers visitent la place de la Concorde à Paris et regardent l'obélisque de Louxor et l'Hôtel de Crillon. On aperçoit la Tour Eiffel au loin et des enfants lancent des bateaux dans un peti...
Greek villagers return to their homes in the mountains, destroyed first in the fight against the Germans and then in the civil war. The film shows how laboriously and agonizingly these people rebuild ...
Documentary film from the First World Festival of Youth and Students in Prague 1947. It presents the arrival of individual delegations to Prague and a selection of sports activities and dance or music...
Educational documentary for workers at the Fiat about the speed of work and how to optimase the rhythm of work.
The footage shows the loading of a cargo of mass produced FIAT 1900 berlinas on a Italcielo boat. From the Genoa seaport the cars are shipped and delivered abroad .
Czechoslovak newsreel depicting European workers' conference, peace march, assembly of the best lathes, spring work in agriculture, scrap processing, and production of new cars.
The film depicting the circumstances of the Slavic Agricultural Exhibition reflects on the possibilities of international cooperation in the field of agriculture and forestry.
Attraverso gli occhi di un emigrante che è tornato il cortometraggio racconta le opere di ricostruzione fatte in Campania dopo la seconda guerra mondiale.
1 - un emigrante torna in patria e sbar...
La ripresa economica ed edilizia nel Mezzogiorno.
1 - panoramica dei monti del Gargano;
2 - strade di San Giovanni in Fiore;
3 - trulli di Alberobello;
4 - panoramica dei Sassi di...
Il cortometraggio mostra il volto industriale della Campania ed in particolare di Napoli.
1 - la città di Napoli è stata duramente provata dalla seconda guerra mondiale
2 - panoramica dell...
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Panorama de la reconstruction de la France dix ans après la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, ce film de commande évoque les villes et villages français détruits puis reconstruits dans un style r...
Parallèlement aux efforts de reconstruction, les pouvoirs publics recensent dans différentes villes de Bretagne les situation de logement précaires ou insalubres. Les exemples abondent à Rennes Gu...
Cette première série comporte cinq sujets : "Souvenir" montre l'inauguration de deux plaques commémoratives pour les déportés et le retour des camps de concentration. Dans "Au nom de la France", ...
A systematic survey of destroyed bridges over the neckar and the efforts and varying techniques to rebuild them. Some bridges are reopened with ceremonial acts and festivities, some are replace with o...