A "School for Officers" is established at the historic "Ecole Militaire" in Paris. Staff officers and senior officials from all 14 NATO countries are trained with the aim of forming an effective defen...
The documentary black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch shows Sorbian Easter riders on their procession from Bautzen to Radwor/Radibor in April 1954. The film also shows securing work on the roof of t...
A documentary film made on the occasion of the opening of the V. I. Lenin Museum in Prague with the participation of President Klement Gottwald and the government. Thanks to various reconstructions th...
An animated film that tells the story of the Marshall Plan's economic reconstruction aid in the form of a fable. Emphasis is placed on breaking down trade barriers and building a community market. © ...
The film was shot on the occasion of the 4th World Festival of Youth and Students 1953 in Bucharest. It tells the story of a high school graduate who is supposed to work in production in a socialist y...
Documentary film about the reconstruction of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. It presents the history of the Bethlehem Chapel from 1391 through the Josephine period, when the chapel turned into a wareh...
The story of the INA-Casa project begins with the architect's study, which from the design of luxurious villas moves on to houses for the people, giving an account of a project functional to the indus...
A film depicts a national aid campaign supporting a development of Slovakia as a rural and more traditionally oriented part of Czechoslovakia. It puts into contrast an industrial Czech land and a folk...
26580 - Vosges - Skieurs allemands
23125 - Argonne - Popote en la ligne
23241 - Dormans - Pont coupé (Département Marne)
23219 - Blérancourt, Saint-Paul-aux-Bois (Département Aisne)
26397 - Vosges - Guetteur Allemand
23141 - Tilloloy - Chateau (Tieuloy, Département Somme, Picardie)
23112 - Église de Bailly (Oise, Picardie)
22860 - Arras - Quartier de la gare (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
Attraverso gli occhi di un emigrante che è tornato il cortometraggio racconta le opere di ricostruzione fatte in Campania dopo la seconda guerra mondiale.
1 - un emigrante torna in patria e sbar...
La ripresa economica ed edilizia nel Mezzogiorno.
1 - panoramica dei monti del Gargano;
2 - strade di San Giovanni in Fiore;
3 - trulli di Alberobello;
4 - panoramica dei Sassi di...
Il cortometraggio mostra il volto industriale della Campania ed in particolare di Napoli.
1 - la città di Napoli è stata duramente provata dalla seconda guerra mondiale
2 - panoramica dell...
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Panorama de la reconstruction de la France dix ans après la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, ce film de commande évoque les villes et villages français détruits puis reconstruits dans un style r...
Parallèlement aux efforts de reconstruction, les pouvoirs publics recensent dans différentes villes de Bretagne les situation de logement précaires ou insalubres. Les exemples abondent à Rennes Gu...
Cette première série comporte cinq sujets : "Souvenir" montre l'inauguration de deux plaques commémoratives pour les déportés et le retour des camps de concentration. Dans "Au nom de la France", ...
A systematic survey of destroyed bridges over the neckar and the efforts and varying techniques to rebuild them. Some bridges are reopened with ceremonial acts and festivities, some are replace with o...