Komödie nach dem Roman "Sir or Madame"? von
Documentaire dédié au 20e anniversaire du Grand Orchestre symphonique de l'INR, et qui retrace l'histoire de cette formation. Le film commence par le panorama d'une ville, la nuit, avec, en surimpre...
Une visite aux différentes demeures de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgique. La visite commence au Château de Stuyvenbergh, demeure de la Reine. La jardin, les fleurs, un petit bâtiment devant lequel se ...
Demonstration in favour of keeping the french-speaking university of Ghent.
Divers sujets - semaine du 16 mai 1949. LA SEMAINE POLITIQUE A TRAVERS LE MONDE 1) SHANGAI Epilogue de la tragdie du Yangts. Le destroyer britannique Consort arrive Shanga aprs avoir essuy les tirs...
Semi-fictional touristic film on Belgium.
Dans ce film tourné en 1942 pour un public américain, le réalisateur trace un portrait de la modernisation en cours du Congo belge et de son rôle - et celui de tous ses habitants - dans l'effort d...
Film réalisé par Roger Leenhardt et Sydney Jezequel en 1957, d'après le livre de Jean-François Gravier. Document d'information général proposant les solutions de l'époque pour éviter la déser...
"I monumenti italiani e la guerra" is a documentary showing the vast war damages on Italian art heritage, as well as the long but mostly successful restoration process that followed. It was realised b...
Austrian Headquarters for Jewish Agency, man at table, in headquaters, people boarding buses, through Austria, Sign "Camp CH.N.Bialik, street Jewish Agency Palestine Immigration office, sending goods ...
After having joined Italy again in 1954, the city of Trieste witnessed the flourishing of trade port and an increase of the employment rate. Some of its former citizens left Yugoslavia and moved to th...
To manage the increase in the number of school children and students, classrooms in prefabricated materials have been installed in schools and colleges which have become too cramped.
Le Havre is the most destroyed harbourg on the continent. While the war is over, men clear the ruins to make room for the new docks. Commentary on aerial views of the port and the excavation and recon...
Ce dessin animé cherche à nous persuader des inconvénients des villes traditionnelles et de la nécessité des villes nouvelles, fonctionnelles et hygiénique.
The documentary shows the efforts to rebuild, firstly in a temporary and then in definitive, the principal railway stations and lines to reconnect physically and economically the entire country.
The film shows a landscape in which the railway represents the unifying process that delivers Italy to modernity; the film proposes itself as the poem of the renewal of the infrastructure on rails, th...
Two young couples spend their summer holidays touring and shopping in Rome, crossing the streets of the city centre with a brand new 1100 car.
Une femme et une voiture sont filmées lors des derniers préparatifs d'un voyage à l'étranger : Un arrêt à la pharmacie locale pour dire au revoir. Faire nettoyer la voiture dans une station-serv...
The celebration for the international workers' day in Rome. Activitists and representatives of the Italian Communist Party delegations from all over italy parade across the city center and gather in h...
Présentation de Bruxelles par Toone et sa marionnette Woltje. Le film veut montrer la perennité des traditions, en mêlant les images actuelles aux peintures, sculptures, tapisseries du passé. Il i...
A propagandistic piece on a re-populating of the border region of Šumava. It emphasises many job opportunities (e.g. work in factory, forestry, collective unions or Solo Sušice) and idealises the co...
A camel train approaches and enters the city. A panorama of the city taken from the sea. Tiffin (compressed camel or horse fodder) being unloaded from ships lying out to sea by surf boats. The men wor...
A Royal Engineers sergeant shows how to load two carrier pigeons into a small wicker basket for transport. At the Rosyth seaplane base Felixstowe F2A flying boats and Short 184 seaplanes ride at ancho...