Komödie nach dem Roman "Sir or Madame"? von
Documentaire dédié au 20e anniversaire du Grand Orchestre symphonique de l'INR, et qui retrace l'histoire de cette formation. Le film commence par le panorama d'une ville, la nuit, avec, en surimpre...
Une visite aux différentes demeures de la Reine Elisabeth de Belgique. La visite commence au Château de Stuyvenbergh, demeure de la Reine. La jardin, les fleurs, un petit bâtiment devant lequel se ...
Demonstration in favour of keeping the french-speaking university of Ghent.
Divers sujets - semaine du 16 mai 1949. LA SEMAINE POLITIQUE A TRAVERS LE MONDE 1) SHANGAI Epilogue de la tragdie du Yangts. Le destroyer britannique Consort arrive Shanga aprs avoir essuy les tirs...
Semi-fictional touristic film on Belgium.
Dans ce film tourné en 1942 pour un public américain, le réalisateur trace un portrait de la modernisation en cours du Congo belge et de son rôle - et celui de tous ses habitants - dans l'effort d...
Église de Troyon (Département Meuse, Lorraine, Église Saint-Martin)
1 - Panoramiche del golfo di Salerno
2 - filo spinato e ampia distesa incolta [campo della battaglia seguita allo sbarco alleato, nel settembre del 1943]
3 - sul litorale, arenato presso la ...
1 - Prigionieri di guerra italiani che ritornano in patria
2 - gli uomini salgono sui camion, carrellata dei visi sorridenti
3 - una sola facciata di una casa rimasta in piedi, intorno il nu...
Works of the great painters are back in the museums, which are preparing to open their doors. The artistic life starts again in Paris, in the workshops of artists but also in the streets and cafes of ...
This portrait of Freiburg is structured in three chapters: The first and longest part is an extensive documentation of geographical, architectural and institutional landmarks of the city and especiall...
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
Vues de Cannes. Promenade, ski nautique, plage. Antibes, l'Eden Roc. Eden Roc / Carlton.
A documentary film encouraging the settlement of border areas. It seeks to dispel fears and present the pros of a renewed border areas.
Ordinary life at the borders of Italy with France, Switzerland, Austria and Jugoslavia, between border controls and turism. At the end, the film remarks the Italianness of Trieste, still under allied ...