Two brothers are struggling to keep their land, which a loan-shark is trying to take from them. One of the brothers is murdered, and the other tries to find the murderer. The tragic truth comes out on...
In rural Greece, two brothers live harmoniously with their wives, keeping busy with their farm work. When one of the brothers goes to town for some business, the brother who stays behind has an affair...
A girl is reduced to shame when she finds out from her dying mother the true identity of her father.
A ship carrying illegal and dangerous cargo – guns and ammunition – travels to the Far East. A seaman knows about the illegal cargo and intends to steal it for his gang. He kills the lieutenant an...
Lampros Komninos (Lampros Konstantaras) is a merry maker and he meets Rena (Maro Kontou), a widow who owns a music club which is also a secret gambling club. He starts going to that club and in the be...
During the years of the German occupation, German troops arrest and imprison colonel Grigoriou (Lavrentis Dianellos), the leader of the Resistance in Chaϊdari. The members of the Resistance organize ...
A young farmer, Dimitris (Petros Fysoun), is wrongly accused and sent to prison for poisoning the livestock of his sweetheart’s father (Jenny Roussea and Grigoris Vafias respectively). But the truth...
This is a film adaptation of the famous theatrical play by Dimitrios Vyzantios, which was written in the years following the Greek Revolution of 1821, and which, together with the play The Employee by...