A university student and member of a group of bikers, Charis, lives with his widowed mother in an Athenian apartment. With a telescope he frantically watches an older woman, Stella, who lives with her...
A young farmer, Dimitris (Petros Fysoun), is wrongly accused and sent to prison for poisoning the livestock of his sweetheart’s father (Jenny Roussea and Grigoris Vafias respectively). But the truth...
A documentary, divided into “chapters”, about the life of the inmates of the asylum on Leros. From the point of view that the mentally ill are victims of social oppression, the film turns a harsh ...
Petros, the son of the industrialist Tsamis, is in love with factory worker Martha, but their wedding is cancelled because of the strong opposition and scheming of his father. Martha’s mother dies; ...
Having his cousin (Thanasis Mylonas) as his idol, Dimitris (Dimitris Papamichail) impersonates a pilot to impress rich Kosmas (Giorgos Gavriilidis) and his daughter (Anna Mantzourani), who falls passi...
Mitsos, in an effort to keep the matchmaking agency he inherited from his mother, disguises himself and performs all kinds of tricks in order to keep his clients happy. One day, he also gets his chanc...
The Minister of Industrial Development faces two problems. One the one hand, his wife, after her unsuccessful suicide attempt, turns against him and takes up with his former associates, who oppose the...
The wife of an alcoholic and mother of four (Toula Stathopoulou) is a factory worker in Corfu at the beginning of the 20th century. A fallen noble man who has fallen on hard times (Stratis Tsopanellis...