A woman (Marialena Karbouri) enters a monastery in Meteora in order to escape her lover’s abuse. Instead of finding protection, however, she encounters a tough and stressful situation, where secrets...
A documentary about the life and work of film director Stavros Tornes. It features his friends’ testimonies, the films he shot and the ones in which he appeared as an actor.
Angeliki (Pemi Zouni) is accused by her mother of ‘living in her own world”. She rebels when her family decides to commit her autistic sister (Dimitra Chatoupi) to a psychiatric hospital. She take...
A melodrama that depicts the struggle of a hard-working orphan girl (Angela Zileia) who falls in love with a rich young man (Thanasis Mylonas).
The infantryman Leandros is transferred to a unit upon completion of his basic training. He arranges a date with his sweetheart in the town where the unit is quartered. Their date, however, comes up a...
Anna is a poor young woman who makes a living by selling flowers. One night, she replaces the lead singer of the music club, whose owner is Mr. Petros, and her luck changes immediately. She becomes th...
In order to make some money, Panos (Andreas Ntouzos) becomes a sailor and leaves behind his wife (Angela Zileia) and their children (Vasilakis Kaïlas and Mairoula Evangelou). The money, however, is n...
This is a model documentary film about Alkis an autistic eleven-year-old boy who lives sealed in his own world and refuses to communicate. His French mother cannot stand the stress arising from her so...