A filmmaker (Vasilis Langos) follows a girl (Katia Gerou) around the Peloponnese, trying to find an agent for his latest movie, for which he had borrowed money he cannot pay back.
An architect, who happens to be a widower (Arto Apartian), tells the coroner how his daughter died in the isolated village where they were living together with their housekeeper (Olga Tournaki). In th...
An auto mechanic (Nikos Tsoukas) invents a machine that uses water power, but, being a member of the Communist Party, he doesn’t want to benefit from its commercial use. By contrast, a member of the...
A partisan fighter saves 70 villagers from the firing squad during the German occupation. When he falls into a gorge trying to escape his pursuers, the villagers consider him dead and erect a statue i...
Giannis (Antonis Kafetzopoulos) is a subversive young man who rebels against any social institution or authority. Unemployed by conviction, he cohabits with his German friend Ilze, who supports him, h...
At the Presidential Mansion news arrives every day indicating that things in the country are going from bad to worse. The President summons all the political leaders in order to understand exactly wha...
A young man (Stamatis Gardelis) becomes a drug addict. When he dies from an overdose, his drop-out brother (Alberto Eskenazy) goes after those responsible for his brother’s death.
After the reappearance of his dead brother and after having discovered a way of manufacturing gasoline, Pelopas (Nikos Tsoukas) is desperately trying to find the missing ingredient in his almost-perfe...