This is, in essence, a satiric film based on an adaptation of three Dialogues of the Dead by Lucian and their adaptation to the historical conditions of the 1960s, when the new demons of the hippie mo...
A father and his three sons (Vasilis Diamantopoulos, Nikitas Tsakiroglou, Giorgos Dialegmenos and Dimitris Poulikakos) inherit a manor located in a fertile garden. Together with the house they also in...
A jailed businessman promises the district attorney who sent him to jail for fraud to lead him to the terrorist organization that had murdered the previous D.A.. In return, he asks that his case be re...
Aris is a charming trader who deals with toys, and plenty of women fall for him. However, he falls in love with Zoe, who is much younger than him. Zoe is still a student and very lively. When he propo...
A film crew depicts the Passion of Christ with the help of the inhabitants of an isolated village in the southern Greek region of Mani.
The district attorney Filippos Lianas takes on a major murder trial. The advocate for Sofia Roussou (who is accused of murdering the painter Alexis Platonidis, a white slaver known as Ariel) keeps adm...
During the shooting of a film, a strange man enters the set holding an umbrella. He walks into the sea and disappears. The people from the film crew claim that this is a publicity stunt, but the music...
A poor shepherd, Thanos Zekos, who had migrated to Germany and came back, but who intends to leave the country again – for Australia this time – falls in love with a very beautiful young lady of n...