An experimental film. A route which leads to the discovery and finally to the acceptance of the personal vision through an alternate scenery, where good and bad change appearances as the destination b...
Two siblings grow up without their parents and are placed in various institutions. Their life is a hard process of maturing, being separated and reunited over and over again. Eventually, they drive of...
An experimental-allegorical film. Three different people: a sculptress of funereal monuments, an actor preparing for Sophocles’ Antigone, and a mother who has lost her child, experience three differ...
Eighteen-year-old Sasha and his younger friends Kotsian and Panagiotis are in the center of a group of Russian-Pontian migrants from Kazakhstan who live in Menidi and dream of conquering the world. Sa...
An old Greek-Cypriot fighter of EOKA (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters), Evagoras, who fought the British for the independence of the island and now lives in London, goes back to find his wif...
Anna is a poor young woman who makes a living by selling flowers. One night, she replaces the lead singer of the music club, whose owner is Mr. Petros, and her luck changes immediately. She becomes th...