A young woman named Chloe (Elli Lampeti), child of a degraded Athenian family, is forced by her mother (Athina Michailidou) to marry a rich man (Minas Christidis) to save the family from financial rui...
A man from Thessaloniki goes to Athens to find and punish the crook who deceived his benevolent father. In the meantime, he falls in love with a young woman, and when they realise she is pregnant, the...
A bankrupt businessman, Ntinos Apergis, confides in his fiancée that he is thinking of committing suicide. Rita, however, a poor telephone operator who has overheard the conversation, manages to stop...
A rich girl, Lili (Anna Fonsou), hangs out with a group of young people who violently contest the established rules and values. Lili also despises her sister (Viveta Tsiouni), and her hatred drives he...
Two neighboring villages are almost at war over control of the water in the area. Panochori has abundant water but not an inch of arable land. On the other hand, Katochori has large expanses of land, ...
A middle-aged philandering actor, Thanasis Pallas, is separated from his wife and sees his fifteen-year-old son Antonis every Saturday. The previous day, he was in Crete for a University lecture and...
Three different stories about three different men and the choices each of them makes when they come to a critical point in their lives. In the first story, “The Coin From Chaironeia”, an archeolog...
A young author and out-of-work teacher (Renos Charalampidis) finds himself involved in a conspiracy to kidnap the daughter of a singer. The young man is considered to be the mastermind behind the plot...