Synopsis Kyriakoulis, an EOKA fighter, is arrested by the British. In order to take revenge, his comrades kidnap David (Kostas Kastanas), son of a British woman (Zorz Sarri) who is friends with the...
Thanasis Zevedaios, a traveling watch salesman, has to provide for his sister, two nephews and his parents. Everyone counts on him for their needs, and so he works hard to support his large family. Th...
Stella is a beautiful and hardworking girl with whom her bosses are always trying to flirt. At some point, she loses her patience and decides to play the role of a “guy”. By the name “Alekos”...
A rich young man falls in love with a poor (as usual) working girl, but his father’s objections keep him from developing their relationship. The girl goes off for a period of time and gives birth to...
Polydoros (Dimitris Papamichail) is a professional slob who suddenly takes on a job as a tax collector for the company where his brother (Nikos Vastardis) also works. The boss’ daughter Boumpi (Mary...
An officer of the allied forces in the Middle East, Themis, parachutes into occupied Greece to organize a mission of sabotage in the area of Meteora. However, he is given away and falls into an ambush...
A ruthless businessman and publisher of the newspaper “The Truth” takes advantage of a cleaning lady’s seriously ill eight-year-old son by sending him off to Paris for treatment at the newspaper...
The house with the red lights is located in Troumpa, Piraeus and is called Phryne’s Bar. Five women live and work there: Eleni, a girl who grew up on the banks of the Danube and studied sculpture in...