Three sisters named, respectively, Varvara, Theodora and Kiki have inherited an old mansion from their father. In order to exchange it for flats in a newly built apartment block, they must find a husb...
Resist! – Rebellion of the Interns Till′s life is not moving on as he had expected it to. For years now, he has completed internship after internship but a permanent position is still not ...
Adaptation of Afred Döblin's 1929 novel, set in contemporary Berlin: Fleeing from Guinea-Bissau, Francis set on a dangerous journey from Africa to Europe. When the boat he is on is hit by a storm, he...
A thirty-five-year-old reservist is called up for post training in new weapons. He has been engaged for nine years to a girl from Crete, and her brother is threatening to kill him if he doesn’t set ...
Film production supported by the British occupation forces as part of the Re-Orientation Program. Set in post-war Germany, the film tells the story of the Stadtmeier couple, who are on their way to vi...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: In 19th century London, popular show singer Gloria Vane enjoys great success. Out of love for Sir Albert Finsbury, she claims respons...
The Greek-American Peter Papas, who is on vacation with his wife in Greece, crashes into a taxi driver - only to realize that he is none other than his long-lost friend, Meletis, who is now married wi...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): Medizin in Maschen: Cartoon: A rabbit knits the title „Medicine in stitches“ from the fur of another. Live action: A white negligee floats in the air. Presentation of the mater...