The President of the Republic Manuel de Arriaga and his delegation walk through the wharf of Cais do Arsenal. Images of the british RMS Durham Castle ship transporting troops to Mozambique.
Images of the funeral ceremonies of the poet Guerra Junqueiro, gathering a huge crowd who followed the procession from Basílica da Estrela to the Jeronimos Monastery.
The visit of the President of the Republic to the city council of Lisbon: arrival in carriage, a parade of a unit of infantry force in colonial campaign outfit.
Paço d’Arcos, Army. Views of the facilities and explosive devices work.
Documentary film on the education establishment, its facilities (edifice built in 1914 which now hosts the headquarters of the Guarda Nacional Republicana) and activites.
Train arrival to Sintra’s station. Views of the village: palaces and main buildings.
Views of the city of Guimarães. Upon today’s knowledge, only the image (incomplete) subsists.
Film frame
Film frame
Film poster of the first public screening of films directed by Aurélio da Paz dos Reis.
Film frame
Film frame
Silvino Santos filming the Teotonio fall for the film commissioned by J. G. de Araujo from Manaus.
Film frame
News on the release of the film "A Serra da Estrella"; review.
News of the exhibition of the film.
On the publication of the decree law establishing as mandatory the existence of a library and a film theatre in every school.
Notes on the Pathé Frères films produced in Portugal to divulge the touristic qualities of the country.
Notes on the films produced and directed by the Army’s Cinematographic Section.
Commentary on the benefits of use of film in the Spanish education system, and the Portuguese delay in the same matter.
Critical analysis on the Portuguese delay in the introduction of use of film aids in the educational system.