Princess Melani wants to find out more about her husband-to-be and impersonates a maid. Her fiancé pretends to be a secretary. An addlebrained servant is ordered to play the count. His first official...
Matter, a destitute innkeeper, can no longer afford the medicine for his critically ill wife. When a travelling musician arrives at the inn and boasts about his money he is murdered by Matter. Years l...
The noble family de la Porte lives at castle Medan. After the lost heir August returns unexpectedly, countess Herm, mother-in-law of August’s younger brother Johann, fears for the inheritance of her...
Two French spies, Baron d’Aubigny and Clemence de Montignon, blackmail German engineer Günther Ellinghaus with his gambling debts into handing over his construction plans for the new Ikarus engine....
Miss Lo leaves finishing school and returns to her parents’ hotel “Zum Weißen Schwan”. One of the chambermaids eloped with the bellboy and now the daughter has to help out – sometimes as a ma...
An airship returns to its squadron. Unaware of the looming danger, a young man dreams of his future. He is a talented inventor who has perfected an astonishing flying machine, which he is about to try...
Herbst 1918, das Ende des Krieges zeichnet sich ab. Ein junger Fähnrich erlebt die erste Liebe und kurz darauf die Meuterei eines ganzen Regiments ruthenischer, polnischer und galizischer Soldaten. E...
Der französische Kriegsspielfilm Verdun – Visions d’histoire von Léon Poirier wurde 1927/28 an den historischen Stätten von Verdun inszeniert. Der Film läuft 1929 als Verdun. Das Heldentum zwe...