German propaganda documentary about the operations of the U-35, a German U-boat during World War One. This is a French version, together with the British version, released in november 1918.
Report retracing the military campaigns of the Belgian colonial troops in Africa through geographical maps and title cards.
Report on the returning of the King and Queen of Belgium on 22 November 1918.
Report on a group of Flemish war veterans visiting Verdun 1937, organised by the V.O.S (Vlaamse Oud-Strijders / Flemish war veterans): an anti-militaristic, Flemish-nationalistic association. Its obje...
Amateur footage shot by Antwerp baker Maurice Lefèvre during a trip in West Flanders (Ypres, Kortrijk).
Amateur footage shot by Antwerp baker Maurice Lefèvre during a trip in West Flanders (Ypr...
News report about a Flemish demonstration in Brussels (from a Flemish-separatistic point of view).
First World War commemoration at Ruisbroek.
Red Cross propaganda film about assistance to Belgian war prisoners in Germany, conform the improved guidelines included in the Geneva Convention of 1929. The fourth Geneva Convention strived for a be...
"Tabaluga - Der Film" (2018)
Michael Ransburg, Sonia Hausséguy in "Wir drehen keinen Film" (2018)
Michael Ransburg, Claudia Helene Hinterecker in "Wir drehen keinen Film" (2018)
German movie poster of "Wir drehen keinen Film" (2018)
Ades Zabel
Felix Strüven, Sonia Hausséguy, Michael Ransburg (left to right) in "Wir drehen keinen Film" (2018)
Rick Kavanian, Christian Tramitz, Michael Herbig (from left to right) in "Bullyparade - Der Film" (2016/17)
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Sabine und die 100 Männer".
Daily production report No. 6, 01 October 1960 on the shooting of "Sabine und die 100 Männer".
List of film sets and locations for the shooting of "Lange Beine - lange Finger".
Screenplay (excerpt) of "Sabine und die 100 Männer".
Daily call sheet for 21 October 1981 for the shooting of "Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci".
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Diesmal muß es Kaviar sein".
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci".
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Der Henker von London".