Unedited footage. Images of the Carmo's ruins, in Lisbon. Still frames.
The several processing steps of cod-fish after the arrival of a cod-fish lugger in Figueira da Foz’ bay: drying, salting, weighing and sale.
Overviews of the rivers Kwanza and Lucala, in Angola.
Documentary film on the education establishment, its facilities (edifice built in 1914 which now hosts the headquarters of the Guarda Nacional Republicana) and activites.
The opening of Armazéns Frigoríficos da Comissão Reguladora do Comércio de Bacalhau. The cod fleet of Oporto, cod drying and washing.
Fragment. Views of the cocoa cultivation in São Tomé and Príncipe.
Film about the Dala falls, in the Lunda Province, in Angola.
film frame
Film frame.
film frame
Film frame.
film frame
Film frame.
Film frame.
Film frame.
Reproduction of a law act of 1917 establishing to prior censorship of films related with WWI.
Notes on the film 'Campeonato de patinagem' (Ernesto de Albuquerque, 1917) and its soon-to-come release.
Title cards in vegetal paper.
Title cards in vegetal paper.
Title cards on vegetal paper.
Title cards in vegetal paper.
Notes on the foundation of the production company 'Portugália Film'.
Fac-simile of a draft law for the financing of Portuguese-theme productions.